Who is aziz zyzz

For Zyzz, the gym was an epic event. When he stepped into the gym, he meant business. He knew it was much more of a mental game than just a physical one. When he had to struggle through every last rep, he knew ultimately it was willpower that made the difference between him creating the best physique possible of looking like an average guy.

Although he did understand the importance of cardio and the many benefits it could offer along with accelerated fat loss, Zyzz relied mainly on his diet to lose fat.

If you consume more calories than you burn, you put on weight. If you consume less calories than you burn, you lose weight. Zyzz was fortunate enough to have a metabolism which could burn almost anything he ate, which resulted in almost zero fat gain. He did, however, make sure he had enough protein, fats, and carbs in each meal. Instead just put yourself up and let the haters do their thing.

A wise man one said.. He was a unique character with a huge passion for bodybuilding and fitness. His confidence shot him to the limelight and people everywhere have tried to emulate his positive attitude for fitness and training. He became an idol for thousands of bodybuilders the world over. Your email address will not be published. He credits a lot of his transformation and success to […]. Contains Well Researched and Natural Ingredients.

Order Online Today. In fact, we just discussed how everything else in his life all compounded here. But there is one critical thing about taking DNP that anybody who likes taking gear will tell you. I figure soon enough it will be taken down, so I uploaded it to an archive link. Reading this girl desperately talk about her symptoms and problems, and reading the comments was sickening. When you take DNP, you naturally go to higher body temperatures. DNP also makes it harder to do things like sweat.

This is a characteristic of all living things. When your body cannot perform homeostasis, you will soon become a non-living thing. Zyzz was unfortunately caught here on a dose of DNP. His body started overheating, and could not cool down. Soon enough, the complications from his DNP started to strengthen. His heart problems intensified. His already high blood pressure, his already asthmatic likes symptoms were providing themselves once more.

As his body temperature got higher, the DNP amplified and he cooked harder. His cells failed, overwhelming the organs in his body. Now, his heart condition that already existed would finish the race.

As by the time he arrived at the hospital, the doctors desperately tried to revive him. You can view his grave online here. While Zyzz was said to be an atheist, he was buried with a cross over his grave. Encouraging people that were bullied to be strong and not be sad. He told them that we were all going to get what we wanted in life.

We would all one day reach our dreams and, our goals. And he resonates deeply with people like me to regrow our confidence, and chase our goals. Everyday we would be sad, he would tell us we can get it. Rest in peace, zyzz. The zyzz death was one that impacted the bodybuilding community.

If you were bullied, crying every night it was okay. He would tell you to keep pushing and everything would get better. It was okay, he would tell you to keep going, everything would end up okay. Zyzz impacted us all. So much so that there is a famous video a fan-made to him.

A tribute called Zyzz — The Legacy. Zyzz was known for his incredible dance moves. He was just an awesome guy having fun with wild moves. And it inspired deeply to people like me that had lost a lot of their confidence from bullying early on in school. Rest well, Zyzz. You helped everybody out here, and no, we have not forgotten about you. Vigilant is an author extremely dedicated to his blog. From a hard life of growing up paycheck to paycheck, he somehow took advantage of the opportunity to make himself a stronger person and pushed through to keep on pursuing his career an Emergency Medicine doctor, wrestles, and lifts 2 hours a day all with a full-time job and in college.

Learn more about Vigilant and the "mustang gang" here at the About Me section. I like the valuable info you provide in your articles. Best of luck for the following!

Great article. Read my article: The Zyzz Death. I also covered a little bit more about why he was loved so much in that article too. Looking for the best program ever made in bodybuilding? Contents So Who is Zyzz? Zyzz posing shortly before the sad zyzz death occurs. He mainly cared about aesthetics in bodybuilding. Zyzz Transformation Picture. On the left is his World of Warcraft days, on the right is his shredded days. The zyzz death uncovered by an old forum post he published long ago about his DNP use.

Tommy Vigilant is an author extremely dedicated to his blog. Visit The About Me Page. View all posts. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Its confidence not penis size. Well let me tell you. My penis is about average size now and my confidence has gone through the roof. I religiously followed the exercises. There are Tips as well to show you what to do.

They are quite tasteful using cucumbers. In the members area there is a lot of good information on premature ejaculation,increasing your stamina, more self control etc. It is like being in a sweaty shop and inundated with everything.

It seems body dysmorphia is no longer the sole preserve of wispy anos. Anyone else look at those muscles and think "he looks like a horse"? Mirin indeed. I have to confess I just made up Shredded Brah. Everything else, sadly, is all too true. He did not die in a sauna. He died in his sleep at a massage parlor due to an undiagnosed heart condition in combination with substances in his system e, oxy's from either night before, or from which he overdosed on before getting his tattoo.

There is a video of him the day he died getting a tattoo, and he is laying on his back unconscious violently snoring the exact way someone snores after getting knocked out. It was not the steroids that killed Aziz, and if you and the media that decided to dip into this subject did a little research you might just gain a little bit of credibility.

Hi livefast Thanks for your feedback and for pointing this out. I wrote the story right after his death, and the toxicology report was either not done or certainly not available to peruse before I pushed the button. I don't believe I ever suggested steroids were solely to blame for his demise, and I think the astute reader would come away from the piece thinking a combination of party drugs, a congenital defect and the bodybuilding juice accounted for his demise.

Interesting on the video, where was that posted and when? Also, in Bangkok a lot of the bigger massage parlours are more like fitness clubs, with jacuzzis, saunas and all sorts of accoutrements, or so I'm told.

It was widely reported here that he had been in the sauna, if not found dead inside an actual sauna box. Asleep in a Bangkok massage parlour? The unhappy ending. He did die in the sauna which caused the fatal blow to a body that was already depleted. He was messing with DNP which is a powerful diuretic. At his body fat he was not supposed to mess around with it, what did he do? He took twice as much as you are supposed to take which depleted his body of not only water but electrolytes.

That is what triggered the heart attack and he had been complaining of chest pain for the entire week leading up to that moment.

This guy used to be all over the internet BB sites asking about steroids, saying what he was going to take, giving updates on what he looked like, pics etc. When he started to become popular he killed all of that, deleted his profiles, stopped going on the sites and avoided the "drugs" question left, right and center, where before he was very open about it, now he turned into a lying D-bag. He was not a role model, he was a self absorbed nut who committed suicide by accident and his parents tried to cover this up by getting the powers that be not release the toxicology report.

I wonder how much that costed Mr and Mrs Zyzz, but then again, Thailand is as corrupt as a country can get. You live by the sword, you die by it and this kid bought the farm because he thought he could go mph all the time and never hit anything. I can't live without you comeback please. Don't do this to me,' said sad Said. Gagliardi, that play on words is in Extremely poor taste.

My name is Bruce Scott am from U. I want to share a testimony of how Dr. I can't make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 4 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me.

My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoy me very well in bed. I am really grateful sir,. Take it from someone who gyms, that is not easy. But yeah, too much, and he wanted more by all accounts. It's an addictive sport. I was mirin but. Man, you really didn't know Zyzz huh?

Its a shame. Pumping idiocy? I want to share this testimony how Dr. I can't make love to my wife for 5 minute and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 3 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cannot even last 5 minutes it was really a thing of shame to me.

My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for a solutions everywhere and i came across a testimony of Mr LUCKY MARK testifying that DR SALATO helped him to enlarge his penis,i decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise in less than one week of using his herbal cream, my penis grow to 7 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now I am really grateful sir.

The jealousy of this internet nerd is pretty aparent in his post. He must hate the fact that he lives a mediocre boring life with an even less impressive physique. Also, what kind of dirt bag writes an article about someone who is dead with a satirical tone full of mockery. Only a shit cunt like this author. RIP Zyzz brah, your an inspiration to us all and you will always be remembered. Yea, soooo jealous of this dead guy who made incredibly poor life choices. Loving how far this article flew over the heads of the last two commenters.

The metrosexual train continues to roll on, evolve and mutate in ever more grotesque ways. To the above comments, sucking down steroids to the point your body gives out is inspiring how? You "'mire" the guy for killing himself with chemicals? The death is tragic, and if those close to him called him on the nonsense instead of rewarding him with "'miration", maybe he'd still be alive.

Dying as a result of steroid abuse is nothing to get "jelly" over, and pointing that out is the purpose of this piece. But way to miss the entire point and emphasize the puerility of this death defying vanity. You obviously know absolutely nothing about body building. You don't just take roads, sit on your couch and look that good.

I will give you an unlimited amount of steroids and you will never look half as good. It's about dedication and sacrifice. You can't "die" from steroid use. That's not how steroids work. They're hormones, and they can fuck with how your body functions but they aren't going to cause a heart attack.

I believe the DNP story - that Zyzz was deyhydrated from a diuretic and went into cardiac arrest. Are you retarded? Steroids don't kill I'll make a vblog soon talking about this topic and bodybuilding in general. Hey Gorky and gibberishman I stand by the article.

If some of you 'friends' had called bullshit on some of the Brahs' behaviour a bit earlier, Zyzz would still be pumping iron and not pushing up daisies. My life is just fine, thanks for asking. Peace and Love, JG. BTW comments of all stripes are welcome but at least have the guts to use your real name if you want to hurl abuse. Mirin brah. Very thoughtful and I believe quite respectful, even with the satire article Jason.

Far better than mainstream media coverage, which offered sensationalism above analysis. While Zyzz appears kind of monstrous in his online behaviour and the narcissism is deeply unattractive, underneath it all the deep insecurity and emptiness that give rise to this behaviour are so obvious.

It's really sad that his 'mirers' and mourners think his trajectory in life should be celebrated instead of reflecting on why he is dead at such a young age. I am the mother of a 9 year old son who's a handsome, clever, slightly smaller than average, skinny kid not unlike Zyss in the 'before' pictures. This bodybuilding stuff is just as alarming to me as the hype that little girls get about thinness and beauty.

I so hope my son will grow up to be happy with his body, look after it sensibly, and not believe that sculpting it to impossible proportions and size is what women and men? Thanks Ms x It's all rather unhealthy and twisted in my view. Thanks for you kind words jimmyyyyy did I get the number of y's right?

Is that spelling about how it sounds when your mum yells at you to get your hand out of your pyjama pants, up out of bed and off to school?

Oh, and tell your dad it's dangerous to leave the thesaurus lying around. It might give people ideas to use words they obviously don't quite understand the meaning of.

As much as I do admire or 'mire' Zyzz, I have to agree with alot written by Jason in this article Zyzz's ideology as some call it is no doubt inspiring to teens and men who have lived with the insecurities brought on by skinniness throughout their lives.

Zyzz appears to all who watch his videos and 'mire' him as the quintessential alpha male and display the qualities most males in general look to emulate in life.

Many qualities that they wish they had. One thing is for sure though, we cannot criticise the man for doing Steroids to enhance his self image just in the same way we can't criticise people for smoking, buying nice cars, eating too much, etc etc even though people die from smoking, die in car crashes and from heart attacks brought on by obesity, because they are the individual's choices.

While I do see Zyzz as somewhat inspirational everyone gasp! I don't agree with 'SOME' of the methods he decided to take to reach his goal, and ultimately, his untimely death. Zyzz's family denial of their son taking steroids, attributing his death to 'congenital heart condition' is third-world machismo. If they were bigger people, they'd be using their son's sad death to promote safety amongst his mirers by advocating against steroid use.

Pathetic, if slightly understandable from people from an impoverished, backward country where family shame trumps contributing as a member of society. It cracks me up the way some not all Zyzz supporters immediately criticise those who point out how Zyzz's abuse of steroid contributed to his early death by pointing out the writer must be skinny or nerdy - without even seeing any pic of them.

It's a really lame defense, and proves a lack of intelligence. They also assume every guy must want to look like Zyzz. Note to this low-intellect people: most Australian guys are perfectly happy with being healthy, keeping fit and trim and not sticking needles in their arms thanks very much. I saw this article last year — I heard about Zyzz in the SMH about the same time as I was beginning to get an understanding of the CUB cashed up bogan culture of West Sydney, having earlier been to Stereosonic and been somewhat bewildered by the number of shirtless 6-pack sporting guys all posing for photos everywhere.

Embarrassing but true! There but for the grace of God and all that…. Haha to the author, and "Jusbald" These low-intellect people? Someone doesn't fully understand what Zyzz accomplished and which parts of his public appearances Forums,videos. Yes, he was looking for laughs, and goofing off, being sarcastic to extremes. Just because of the characters Jim Carey or Steve Carell might be silly, over the top and dumb doesn't make them that way in person, and it doesn't make their supporters or fans of inferior intellect either, does it?

This article was written by someone who knows nothing of the online culture Zyzz came from, nothing of the sport other than what a night on Google taught him and nothing of the man himself Zyzz. He helped me change my life and my quality of life has been increased ten fold since discovering him on Bobdybuilding.

The "Jelly" or "Mirin'" slang, sub-culture grown attitude birthed by the Aesthetics crew and other bodybuilders of the same era, is but a continuation or evolution of the Alpha male attitude bodybuilders have always had, humor mixed in.

And for the record try searching for images of Zyzz Pre-steroids They still look 10x better than you've ever looked. To the author, I find it quite hilarious how you only reply to comments supporting your article and fail to rebuddle against Zyzz supporters or people who disagree with you. I find this article to be a huge indication that you are a small minded individual attempting greatly to seem intelligent and appeal to the masses. I'm a Zyzz supporter, I'm 19, I'm a natural bodybuilder, And I've just bested you at every argument you could even come up with.

You mad bro? Drew, I don't deny that Zyzz did good things in his life, that is quite obvious. The article is simply stating that the real reasons behind all of this perceived madness are rooted in vanity. Zyzz was that skinny, insecure kid and he took it upon himself to turn his life around. That will power is inspiring. The part that bugs most people about him is that the method in which he went about it is based entirely on the gratifications of other people.

It wasn't done out of a desire to be healthy or a desire to be strong it was done out of a desire to be attractive in the eyes of the beholder, in this case; the internet. But he did it, he got where he wanted to go, regardless of his motivations, and that resonated with people, the same kind of people that put more value in what other people think about how they look than the things that actually matter. He might have helped you turn your life around, I'm sure that through his own journey of self improvement he learned a lot of tips and tricks that he could pass on to you, and that is undeniably good, don't forget that based on anything that anybody else says.

The only thing up for debate here is the actual motivation behind his transformation, and how this culture is inactively promoting vanity, and that, as proven by the tragic passing of Zyzz, is very dangerous. Zyzz outwardly promoted hubris when there is much more virtue in humility. I just hope for your sake that you don't ever feel as inadequate as your peers like to try and make other people feel jelly, skinny nerd etc Aesthetics mean nothing, they are temporary and the most tragic part of this entire ordeal is that Zyzz's insecurity which eventually became his legacy is potentially dangerous.

And if you feel like you have to take steroids in order to get laid then you probably shouldn't be getting laid in the first place. Not to mention, they occur naturally in the human body, and when low levels of testosterone occur in men, you do get heart problems, lethargy, loss of muscle tone, fat build-up, weakened bones, joints, eyesight and even manboobs.

And the debate rolls on. When I wrote the article there had not been a full autopsy or workup on his blood toxicology There were reports from others in the scene that he had a penchant for party drugs too And thank you Aaron, I am aware of the meaning of congenital.

For example, one might say: Aaron is a chronic smart arse. But it's not his fault. It's congenital. One might also be a congenital wanker, I suppose, but that almost sounds tautological. The cautionary tales were everywhere. The sad part is that zyzz's life and lifestyle are a black mark on the whole physique culture, which as a whole is a quite healthy lifestyle that doesn't involve drugs or partying, trolling and other obnoxious behaviour displayed by Zyzz and his acolytes.

The last years even the die-hard bodybuilding community has made a shift to a healthier lifestyle with extremely rigorous drugtesting in amateur competition the pro scene still remains a roidfest sadly. The slight positive message his inciting young people to exercise may have had was completely annihalated by the revelations of his steroid use, which has also dissillusioned many into thinking a similar physique is unattainable in a healthy way, which it isn't, although it would involve a ton of hard work and discipline with regards to training and nutrition, and not making narcisistic viral videos, steroid and "protein of the gods".

As a result the only real "legacy of zyzz" as a popular homage video was titled is blatant idiocy and the most annoying catchphrases EVER. I mean seriously, if I have to hear "mirin'" or "no homo" one more time today I may well explode. The photoshopped picture of shredded bro is actually Markus Ruhl, a popular German bodybuilder of the late 90's and early 's and while the photoshop is greatly exaggerated, you will find he isn't much prettier in real life, as he was known as one of the bulkiest, pound-for-pound heaviest and most aesthetically unpleasing bodybuilders ever.

I did meet the guy and despite all that i can say he is a very friendly and intelligent individual. What a crappy shit. Yes, you homo. Yes, you mirin. Yes, you jelly. A physician here. Congenital heart disease is a very vague term and doesn't mean much. The most common congenital heart disease that leads to young people in many cases athletes is congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

In most people it would likely remain undiagnosed and they would have likely die a natural death in old age. However, hypertension is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease - it stresses the heart out like nobody's business.

Hypertension is weight training for the heart. Sadly, the heart can't go home after the workout and cool off. Persistent overwork will exacerbate any minor congenital heart disease, or will lead to even a normal heart failing. Steroids have minor direct effects in the heart, but the hypertension they cause will likely lead to early death in this case or accelerated ischemic heart disease Arnold - he didn't have a congenital heart condition.

He had big muscles but was an extremely unfit guy in the cardiovascular sense. Zyzz most likely also was into drugs. Cocaine is a common cause of myocardial infarction in younger drug users with normal hearts. It could also have precipitated a massive MI in thus case. General lesson: don't do steroids. There are very good reasons why people tell you not to do them. Accelerated heart disease is only one of many such reasons.

This zyzz dude was nothing but a sad case of narcissos effect done to max. Ive only known about him and the Cult around. If he had Wanted he could have done the same save few ten kilos of muscle but in thd end his ego was his biggest flaw. He could not resist the party drugs. Cocaine is often mentioned as one such drug. In other words he was WEAK and creedy. Well very common w people. We make our decicions. Personally I have trained over 30 yrs naturally.

It has been my choice. Just hope my son makes his decicions wisely on The longtime health wise. Hes 17 and trains w weights. Also hope he doesnt fall in this mirin trap.

Regards hanuri my internet name. Such an amazing blog you have posted dear i like it and also suggesting it to my friends for visiting your blog because it has really admirable and informative data which provide us through your blog so i would like to thank you for sharing it with us and also appreciate you on this so keep it up.

My Website: get big muscles. I'll resume the article for you: Beta male has to go to Thailand to find a plain jane asian female that is under lbs, something impossible for him in the west. Since he is an unattractive low T beta, manlet, balding phaggot, the only way he can attract a female is by being the beta provider in a 3rd world country. A Zyzz type guy hoovers around the place. His gargantuan figure sets him apart from the rest of the crowd. All females under km radius can't help but do what they are biologically wired to do: admire him.

Their beta boyfriends can't help but be jelly at this situation, for they are now invisible, until the God leaves the scene. As his perfectly sculpted body walks away, a single utterance is heard: U mad? On the anniversary of his death I'd first like to say RIP Zyzz, the persona, and the 22 year old who lived fast and died young. Secondly I'd like to say, Jason, your writing, which you constantly want to remind people of its "educated and highbrow articulation" is pretty much a parody of itself, much like Fraser's pompous character in the TV show.

Nobody is impressed, and it's clear that your underlying position is "I am educated, I choose not to be like these simple minded "aesthetics"-focused males, and women will respect me for it, while standing quietly in the dark corners of bars on Friday and Saturday nights, ignored. This imagination character zyzz is gone. Theres nothing I could recommend about the lifestyle of his and those who seem to follow him to my son.

Alpha male This dude could really have been somekind of a role model and even an example of something lasting but no.


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